Snowy Hydro Australian snow depth records

Snowy Hydro Australian snow depth records

Snowy Hydro Limited kindly publishes the full snow depth records for three of their sites on-line*:

  • Spencers Creek, at 1830 m elevation, near Charlotte Pass, midway between Perisher Valley and Thredbo
  • Deep Creek, at 1620 m elevation, near Cabramurra, and
  • Three Mile Dam, at 1460 m elevation, between Kiandra and Selwyn Snowfields.

Together these cover the range of snowpack elevations and provide a view of how our snow varies with altitude and over time. The plot shows the full records for the three sites.

(* Hint to AGL Hydro who own the Rocky Valley Dam (Falls Creek) record — it’s not hard to do and it’s excellent PR.)

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