Three Mile Dam snow depths

Three Mile Dam snow depths for season 2013

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This shows Australian snow depths for season 2013 measured by Snowy Hydro Limited at Three Mile Dam near Kiandra, against a background of selected historical depth information.

  • Depths are recorded on a measuring course about 5 km west of Kiandra (near Selwyn Snowfields), at about 1430 m elevation. This is a northern, low-altitude, natural snow site (no snowmaking or grooming)
  • The measurement method is generally as described here. A Mount Rose snow sampler is used to measure depth and take core samples which are weighed to measure snowpack density (not published on-line).
  • Measurements are generally made every Thursday, but the series is not uniformly sampled. Before about 1970, measurements were sometimes sparse and not usually made on any fixed day of the week.
  • To produce a uniformly sampled series for analysis the background data plotted here have been resampled every Thursday, with gap filling by linear interpolation.
  • The 7-day moving averages and moving medians are plotted centred, and are lightly smoothed. (The median is the middle value – where half the seasons are deeper, half thinner.)
  • The average and median of the annual peak depths exceed the peaks of the moving average and moving median depths because the annual peak depths do not all occur in the same week of the year.

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